Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Feminism essays

Feminism essays Why is gender so important? I think, the simplest answer is, because its there. There are two genders, which we call female and male and there are many distinctions between them. People generally afraid of talking about gender because many of them think that the talking would be end about feminism. Then why are they afraid of feminism? Because, these people think that feminism states, women are good, men are bad. And there are several myths about it. People believe that; feminists are man haters, they are lesbians, they want to bring men down and take over, etc. However, all of us should know that, Feminism is a policy, practice or advocacy of political, economic and social equality of women and the people who advocate this, are feminists. (www.milwaukeenow.org) So it can be understood from here that feminists are not against men, they just want to have equal rights. Feminism has been a prominent and controversional topic in writings for the past two centuries. One of the most important work of contemporary feminist theory is, Simone de Beauvoirs book The Second Sex. Lets mention the aim of the book with her words: For a long time I hesitated to write a book on woman. The subject is irritating, especially, to women and it is not new. Enough ink has been spilled in quarreling over feminism and perhaps we should say no more about it. It is still talked about, however, for the voluminous nonsense uttered during the last century seems to have done little to illuminate the problem. After all, is there a problem? And if so, what is it? Are there women really? (www.marxist.org) In this essay, Ill discuss the reasons why de Beauvoir criticizes woman and her opinions about the improvement of the womans position in society. If we observe woman and man, from past to now, well see that they do not have any common feat ...

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